introducing curious avatar.
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In the national bestselling book Curious Avatar, Marc Max Pollock makes an important contribution to the advancement of metaphysical thought. He wrote this book for freethinkers who want to delve into life’s mysteries, and for the seekers among us who yearn to know more about life, existence, and becoming a creative channel for Divine Energy. Relying on scientific research and his own life experience, Marc builds a convincing case that humanity plays an essential role in perfecting the link between energy and matter. He delves into how you can focus energy to influence your reality, details the characteristics of Creative Energy, and shows you how to harness that energy to enrich your life. A self-help book imbued with grace, kindness, and compassion; Curious Avatar is about self-empowerment. It teaches you how to live your best life and express your true self. It will uplift and inspire you as you walk your own path of discovery.

marc max pollock.
“When we accept that anything is possible, we cut the anchor stifling our existence and empower the winds of change to carry us to our intended destination.”
Marc Max Pollock’s life story is an extraordinary example of overcoming adversity. Having grown up experiencing poverty, abuse and homelessness, Marc made it his mission to harness the power of the universe to change his reality from a life of hopelessness to a life of abundance. Marc’s calling is to share his transformational secrets to help you heal and live your best, abundant life. Marc is an entrepreneur, author, visionary, spiritual adventurer, energy practitioner, and Reiki Master. Marc and his wife Brooke, an accomplished businesswoman, have built an amazing life of true partnership and enjoy traveling the world with their children. Marc loves playing music, painting, and communing with nature.
"Curious Avatar highlights discoveries at the foundation of my personal evolution. It is structured as a series of Insights that provide form and context to the inner workings of reality and detail how these forces affect change in this material realm. These Insights highlight the relationship between God and man and provide a roadmap for harnessing the power of God so we can create a better life."